October East Community Center Update: Break Bread & Sweet Dream In a Bag

October East Community Center Update: Break Bread & Sweet Dream In a Bag

Once again, I extend a huge “Thank you” to those who continue to volunteer for our Charity events.

At the East Community Center, with this years’ Beacon Grant, we will continue to support Break Bread, Sweet Dream in a Bag, and the St. Andrew Market charities.

On Saturday, September 21st, the ECC held a Community Resource Expo open house to showcase all their available resources. Courtesy of a $2500 Grant, received from the Colorado Elks Association, our members hosted a BBQ for all the neighbors that attended.

Our October 12th “Dream in a Bag” Saturday packing event at the Lodge for the Charity was an unbelievably successful day. Thirty (30) members volunteered to pack twenty-one (21) twin bedding bags, which will be given to children as they move into secure housing and foster care. For most, it will be the first thing to call their own.

Thank you all for being there!

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