Littleton Elks Lodge #1650 Continues Support for Major Charity Break Bread
The Littleton Elks Lodge #1650 prepared and served a Thanksgiving themed meal to the Break Bread community on November 18, 2023.
Dubbed “Elks Give Back Day”, twenty-one volunteers from Lodge #1650 hosted a “Free Community Meal” at the Break Bread gathering place in Littleton. Lodge members cooked, set-up, served, washed dishes, and cleaned up – giving Break Bread volunteers the day off.
“It was truly a humbling experience, and I was proud to count myself an Elk that day,” said Kathy Keyser, PER, chairperson of the Break Bread Charity for the Littleton Elks.
Break Bread is the Littleton Lodge major project and the recipient of the $4,000 Beacon Grant. The Beacon Grant is awarded annually, and must serve specific populations in the Lodge community, such as people experiencing homelessness or facing food insecurity.
More than 150 Littleton neighbors attended between sit-down and to-go meals.
About Break Bread: Break Bread is about nourishing our neighbors with food. But it’s so much more than that. It’s about building meaningful relationships among our neighbors through a free weekly community meal offering nourishment and friendship while affirming dignity. It’s about a philosophy that goes even beyond “all are welcome.” Break Bread strives to declare that “this was designed with you in mind.” Break Bread is about more than filling bellies; the relationships created through sharing a meal together make a positive impact on the long term food security and mental health of our neighbors. Learn more.
About the Beacon Grant: All CIP grants must serve specific populations in the Lodge’s community, such as people experiencing homelessness or facing food insecurity, survivors of abuse, students from families that are under-resourced, people with disabilities, or individuals facing other barriers.